Our Vision and Ethos
‘He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love’.
(Ephesians 4:16)
We are pleased to announce that our Multi-Academy Trust, Unity, has recently been incorporated. What we hope to achieve through this Trust is best expressed through the following Vision Statement:
Our core aim is to provide children of all faiths and none, with excellent educational provision within a caring and supportive ethos that supports Christian values. We have at the centre of our mission and purpose the belief that every child has a right to educational excellence through the provision of high quality schooling.
Each school within the MAT will be unique and distinctive. We are committed to celebrating the local context and purpose of each school. Our vision is for all our schools to become high quality centres of learning. This will be achieved through:
Collaboration, in which we promote mutual support, encouragement and benefit between all our academies
Collaboration in which we show mutual respect, value and celebrate diversity ensuring that all pupils develop high self-esteem with the ability and skills to contribute fully to society
Collaboration in which we encourage the dissemination of good practice and promote mutual accountability